Experiments carried out

Forced dynamic behavior of multiple blocks inside a rectangular container | Structural Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Rijeka, April/May 2015

Picture1 Picture2Experiment characteristics:
– Sinesweep excitation function (frequency between 1 and 5 Hz during 10 seconds)
– Two high-speed Aramis cameras
– Assembly of four blocks 80 mm/113 mm/10 mm:
Click to watch video
– Assembly of five blocks 64 mm/113 mm/10 mm:
Picture3Click to watch video
– Assembly of eight blocks 40 mm/113 mm/10 mm:
Click to watch video

Forced rocking/sliding behavior of stacks of blocks due to impact excitation | Impact Engineering Laboratory, University of Oxford, Oxford, July 2014

Stack of three blocksClick to watch video

Experiment characteristics:
– Stack of three Al blocks 10 mm/15 mm
– Impact excitation with timber projectile launched with pin-ball mechanism
– Single high-speed Phantom camera (resolution 800×600 pixels, frame rate 2000 fps) + GOM Aramis software

Forced dynamic behavior of multiple blocks inside a rectangular container | Structural Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Rijeka, May/June 2014

Multiple discs
Click to watch video

Experiment characteristics:
– Timber discs
– Harmonic base acceleration
– Shaking table ASR 400
– Single Kodak camera (resolution 640×480 pixels, frame rate 120 fps) + GOM Aramis softwar


Forced rocking motion of single rigid rectangular block due to harmonic ground acceleration function | Structural Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Rijeka, May/June 2014

Click to watch video

Experiment characteristics:
– Timber block 11,5 cm/50 cm
– Harmonic base acceleration
– Shaking table ASR 400
– Single Canon camera (resolution 640×480 pixels, frame rate 60 fps) + GOM Aramis software

Preliminary experiments of free and forced rocking motion of single rigid rectangular block | Structural Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Rijeka, February 2014

Click to watch video (Please be patient, long download)

Experiment characteristics:
– Timber block 11,5 cm/50 cm
– Harmonic base acceleration (frequency 2,5 Hz, gradual amplitude increase to initiate and maintain rocking)
– Shaking table ASR 400
– Single Canon camera (resolution 1280×720 pixels, frame rate 30 fps)